
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Freak weather we're having

Now it seems that every other story on the news is about a calamity of epic proportions, the thunderstorms, hurricanes, and sinkholes. I believe this has been caused by climate change, or maybe Howard, the God, is mad at us. I was wondering how we could make him change up on that; would he (Howard) like it if we planted more flowers? Should we leave food at the altar? What about Money? That might make him think twicet.
I'm going to put some change out in the back yard for Howard. I have like 60 cents. Let me know when the sun comes out.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

kitties are fine fine folks.

blogs is all the rage.

seems like blogs has not gone away, they are still here and thriving. I guess the thing to do is climb in and blog up something.
Like heredity; it really bites, and will bite in future times. the main idea is that some of us have all these parents and family, and when you look backwards, you can see what they call heredity. it starts somewhere and ends somewhere, one might assume. the parents and grandparents are gone to their rewards, and we have faced the enemy and he is us. We will learn in this blog about how who you are has something to do with who you were, and even to some extent, what your parents were who.
there's nothing new about heredity; it's been around for a long time, before you and I were even born, and it will be around after us. when we aren't born anymore.
we will continue to find more heredity as we learn more about it. there's always hope.